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Guatemala - Role in food consumption of: food import

3 in 2008

1) The dietary energy consumption refers to the amount of food available for human consumption as estimated by the FAO Food Balance Sheets. The dietary energy consumption per person is the amount of food for each individual in the total population, expressed in kcal per person per day. 2) A unit of measurement of dietary energy. One kcal equals 1 000 calories and one kJ equals 1 000 joules. In the International System of Units (ISU), the universal unit of dietary energy is the joule (J). One kcal = 4.184 kJ. 3) Role of food imports in total food consumption. Data on imports are converted in kilocalories using conversion factors by commodities in order to calculate the share of imports in the total Dietary Energy Supply. 3) The net-trade is obtained by subtracting the amount of food imports from the amount of food exports. Data on net-trade are converted in kilocalories using conversion factors by commodities in order to calculate the share of net-trade in the total Dietary Energy Supply.

Date Value Change, %
2008 3 0.00%
2002 3 50.00%
1997 2 0.00%
1992 2

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